JetBlue Rooftop Terrace

JFKTerminal 5 (Inside Security)

Top Amenities

  • Wi-Fi
  • Children's Area
John F. Kennedy International Airport
Located in Terminal 5 Inside Security. Across from Gate 28
Travel times are estimates and are not guaranteed. Airports may require you to re-clear security and immigration control to reach the lounge. Clearing security might require a boarding pass departing from the terminal. For lounges inside security or immigration, you must first check your baggage and obtain your boarding pass.
Needs Improvement
Not a lounge, doesn't belong here
AidanJuly 11, 2024
As some have pointed out, not a lounge. BUT a great little spot to grab some fresh air.
Financial HippieOctober 1, 2021
OK, so it’s not like a real lounge and has no food or drinks and you definitely cannot see airplanes takeoff and land but if you want to be away from all the noise inside it’s a good place to sit visit.
Gautam KumarJune 23, 2019
Great for fresh air and some peace. Nobody actually needs a lounge, people are spoiled, also the Airspace was private but wasn’t making money, that’s why they closed, the airline has no control over it.
MarkApril 3, 2019

Also in Terminal 5

This is the only lounge in Terminal 5
View all lounges in John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)