No. 68 Cathay Pacific Business Class Lounge

PVGTerminal 2, International (Inside Security)

Top Amenities

  • Premium Food
  • Snacks
  • Spirits & Liquor
  • Beer & Wine
  • Wi-Fi
  • Flight Monitors
Shanghai Pudong International Airport
Located in Terminal 2, International Inside Security. Near Gate D68
Travel times are estimates and are not guaranteed. Airports may require you to re-clear security and immigration control to reach the lounge. Clearing security might require a boarding pass departing from the terminal. For lounges inside security or immigration, you must first check your baggage and obtain your boarding pass.
It’s an extension of the fabulous Pier. Expect the noodle bar and apartment-like setting. Staff friendly. They serve LP champagne. Hit a busy period but never crowded. It's a haven.
SirLouDecember 10, 2019

Also in Terminal 2, International

This is the only lounge in Terminal 2, International
View all lounges in Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG)