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Qatar Airways Al Safwa First Class Lounge

DOHTerminal 1 (Dentro de la seguridad)
Start your luxurious Qatar Airways First Class experience in one of the world's most extravagant and exclusive oases. In this one-of-a-kind lounge, you'll discover five star dining, private day suites, private duty-free shopping, a floor-to-ceiling water fountain, and much more. Enjoy the full royal treatment in one of the best airport lounges in the world.

Los mejores servicios

  • Premium Food
  • Snacks
  • Spirits & Liquor
  • Beer & Wine
  • Wi-Fi
  • Showers
Hamad International Airport
Situado en Terminal 1 Dentro de la seguridad. From the Duty Free South Area, go up the escalators located to the right of the Giant Teddy Bear near IN-Q Cafe and Cedar Room Cigars.
Los tiempos de viaje son estimados y no están garantizados. Los aeropuertos pueden exigir que vuelvas a pedir autorización al área de seguridad e inmigración para tener acceso al lounge. El área de control puede solicitar una tarjeta de embarque con salida desde la terminal. Para los lounges que se encuentren dentro del área de seguridad o inmigración, primero debes facturar tu equipaje y obtener tu tarjeta de embarque.
Like stopping at the Four Seasons between flights. Gorgeous. Silent. 10% occupied at the busiest time of the day for this airport. As good as it gets.
Stuart18 de diciembre de 2019
The best lounge I've been to. Private sleeping rooms w/ shower for 4 hr max. Fantastic made-to-order meals. Serves Veuve Grande Dame. Only downside - cavernous to a fault. Felt like I was in a museum.
Paul7 de julio de 2017
This might be the best lounge you will ever visit, so spacious with lots of secluded seats.
Wael13 de febrero de 2017
One of the best first class lounges due to the restrictions only for first class passengers. Nicely isolated each area. Only complaint is the breakfast menu is not updated and is the same as in the A380.
Nor22 de noviembre de 2016

También en Terminal 1

Este es el único lounge en Terminal 1
Ver todos los lounges en Hamad International Airport (DOH)