Dubai International Hotel (Concourse A)

DXBTerminal 3, Concourse A (Après le contrôle de sécurité)
Step right in and make yourself at home. Conveniently located inside security, Dubai International Hotel is the perfect sanctuary for your long layover. Each completely private room is equipped with a queen-sized bed (or twin beds) featuring an orthopedic mattress and down pillows. Indulge in your very own private shower with complimentary amenities, as well as 24-hour room service. Whether you prefer to relax in front of the TV, get some work done with the fast Wi-Fi, or simply catch up on sleep, all your needs will be met at Dubai International Hotel.

Meilleurs services

  • Wi-Fi
  • Showers
  • TVs
  • Private Rooms
  • Telephones

Information importante

  • An à la carte menu of entrees and beverages is available at an additional cost - payable at the hotel. 24 hour room service is available.
  • All in-house guests are entitled to 20% off Timeless SPA treatments and 20% off food and beverage at select hotel restaurants.
  • Each Single/Double Room can accommodate a maximum of 2 adults and 1 child. Each Triple Room can accommodate a maximum of 3 adults and 1 child OR 2 adults and 2 children. Children are defined as 2-11 years old.
  • Hotel guests have no access to and cannot retrieve their checked luggage while staying in the hotel.
  • Extra bed/person is available for Single/Double Rooms and is charged at the rate of AED 110 + 5% VAT. Only one extra bed/person is allowed per Single/Double Room. Baby cots for infants under 2 years old are provided free of charge (subject to availability).
  • The hotel is only accessible for transit and departing passengers in Terminal 3. Transit passengers should not exit Immigration and Customs as they will be denied access to the hotel until 3 hours before their onward departure flight. Passengers are strongly advised to confirm their flight check-in times and procedures with their respective airlines.
Dubai International Airport
Situé à Terminal 3, Concourse A Après le contrôle de sécurité. After Security Checkpoint and Passport Control, take the elevators located between Gates A1 and A24 to the Hotel Reception on Level 6.
Les temps de trajet constituent des estimations et ne sont pas garantis. Les aéroports peuvent vous demander de repasser par le contrôle de sécurité et d'immigration pour accéder au salon. Le contrôle de sécurité peut demander une carte d’embarquement au départ du terminal. Pour accéder aux salons situés dans après le contrôle de sécurité ou d’immigration, vous devez d’abord enregistrer vos bagages et obtenir votre carte d’embarquement.
Host met me at the gate and walked me to the front of the carryon baggage security check. From the gate to the room took less than ten minutes. Great for overnight layovers.
oilpatchmike28 novembre 2019
Wow, the best airport layover ever. A private luxury hotel room with a comfortable bed, fast WiFi, and a hot shower made a 10 hour visit a pleasure.
Tyler11 mai 2018
Perfect to have a good night of sleep. The food is not included.
José Pedro20 janvier 2018
Vaut le détour
Well worth it after a long flight. Just to relax until the next connecting flight.
Albertus7 août 2017

Aussi dans le Terminal 3, Concourse A

Il s'agit du seul salon du Terminal 3, Concourse A
Voir tous les Lounges de Dubai International Airport (DXB)